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WHAT IS RUN CREW?  This crew works backstage with scenery, props, and effects during technical rehearsals and performances.  You will not have to build them-- just make sure everything is in the proper spot before the show begins and then help to make the "theatre magic" happen.  This might mean helping an actor disappear in a cloud of fog, running an elevator or turntable, handing off swords before a big fight, operating the lighting or sound computer, or a zillion other things.

  • Students are evaluated by the Faculty Production Manager, but supervised on individual productions by the student stage management team

  • No experience is necessary.

  • You will be graded on your attendance, participation and willingness to learn.

  • If uncomfortable doing something asked of you, please say so immediately; you will not be penalized.    

  • Failure to follow proper safety protocols will negatively impact your grade and can result in dismissal from the crew.

  • All students, regardless of previous experience, will be trained on the specific duties assigned and how to complete them safely.

  • The stage management team will create paperwork that explains it all.

  • If unclear on how to do something, particularly if using tools, be sure to ask - the only "stupid question" is the one you don't ask!

  • Students must sign in when they arrive for each technical rehearsal and performance

IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT CONFLICTS- Unlike other shop crews which work for a small number of hours over several weeks and therefore have a little flexibility, run crew members must be present for every technical rehearsal & performance for their assigned production.  For a short production, this is typically 7 days; for a long production this is typically 11 days. Even though Theatre Arts does multiple productions each semester, crew members work on only one.


The success of the show is directly tied to having the whole team present every night to do their part.  You will not be able to miss a tech rehearsal or performance except in an emergency.  And there is no way to make up missed days by working on another production.



© 2018 by UWL THA 390. Updated 2023. 

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